Cyfrowa reklama na ciężarówkach
Mobile advertising has many facets; you may see them in buses, trams, cars – such a sight is familiar to us. It may seem that a truck trailer cannot be used in any other way than by putting basic information about the company and an interesting logo on it. However, a project emerged – a […]
Tunel Berlin – Sztokholm
In Sweden and in Germany, a new idea popped up – to build the longest rail tunnel in the world that would link both countries. The point of its construction is to link Berlin and Stockholm specifically, and the section below the Baltic would be a whopping 100km long. The project for the investment is […]
Port lotniczy na Mazurach – inwestycja, która przyniesie wiele korzyści
Local council of Varmia and Mazuria Voivodeship is going to spend more than 29mln Polish Zloty in 2017 for a regional airportin Szymany. The planning includes expanding of the aircraft parking aprons (for around 7lmn PLN) and the parking in front of the terminal by 100 parking spaces. It is also planned to erect a […]
Jakie wymogi powinien spełniać nowoczesny magazyn?
If you are planning to store a product, you also have to look for a warehouse. Today we will help you a modern, appropriate warehouse for your needs. What are its features? It is crucial for the warehouse to have access to roads and road infrastructure. Warehouses of the highest class should be located […]
Aplikacje mobilne w transporcie
The last few years have brought about a swift development of mobile technology – it could be spotted in almost all parts of our lives. Smartphones are with us everywhere we go, and because of that we have access to social media and news services at any time. We can take photos and send it […]
Wchodzisz na rynek chiński? Uważaj przy wyborze nazwy swojej marki
Entering a new market entails getting to know local law and understanding the country’s mentality. An important factor that creates the brand awareness is its name, and that is what we would like to write about today – in the context of China. A well-chosen name can make your company more trustworthy, and […]
Lewitujący autobus – sposób na rozładowanie korków
Some time ago we have presented you with the information about a Chinese invention of the future, and now it has become reality – the levitating bus will soon show up on the roads. TEB – the Transit Elevated Bus – has been designed on this years’ China Beijing International High-Tech Expo. The […]
Wiesz już co to Trolejtruck?
Not long ago we were writing about autonomous trucks that steer without the help of drivers. Now we can experience birth of a new innovation mode of transportation from Scandinavia – a cable-truck. In Sweden, a new line especially designed for that machine has been opened for public use. Technology from 130 years has a […]
Gdzie eksportować? Te kraje wkrótce usłyszą o polskich produktach.
Ministry of Development has chosen five countries in which Polish products will be promoted for the following three years. The list includes: Algiers, India, Iran, Mexico and Vietnam. The purpose of the project is to increase awareness as far as possibilities of import to non-EU states is concerned – especially those that are far […]
TOP 10 towarów Australii – sprawdź co warto eksportować.
Australia jest dwunastą największą gospodarką świata i jednym z niewielu krajów, który przetrwał globalny kryzys finansowo-gospodarczy z 2008 roku notując wysoki poziom wzrostu gospodarczego. Kraj ten jest wysoko rozwinięty gospodarczo. W dużej mierze zawdzięcza to ogromnym i różnorodnym zasobom surowców mineralnych. Współpraca z Polską W 2014 r. obroty handlowe Polski z Australią osiągnęły […]