Płace minimalne dla kierowców w krajach UE
Nieprzerwanie trwają zmiany w krajach Unii Europejskiej w zakresie przepisów dotyczących transportu. Z jednej strony niesie to korzyści, natomiast zawsze wiążą się one z przestrzeganiem nowych wymogów. Wprowadzanie płac minimalnych dla kierowców nie jest nowym zjawiskiem, a jako pierwsze wyszły z tym projektem Niemcy. Nie tylko o stawkę godzinową tutaj chodziło, ale też o szereg […]
W Polsce wciąż brakuje kierowców kategorii C.
Employment of workers from the East seems to have become a standard in Poland. It is generally said that the workers from the East are cheaper to employ, but that is not always the decisive factor. Polish transport includes almost 100 thousand companies that offer road transport services, and in those companies more than 250 […]
Transport towarów niebezpiecznych
All kinds of chemical products have to be delivered to their destination safely. The basis of dangerous goods transport is to follow the regulations of transport of dangerous goods set by the UN Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. The outcome of their work has been a document, Recommendations on the Transport […]
Dlaczego kolej ma mały udział w transporcie?
On the one hand, railroad transport has definite potential in Poland, on the other – competitiveness is not its biggest merit. Why is it like that? It is worthy to take a closer look. There are various reasons for it, some of them more real than others. PKP Cargo blames the government for supporting […]
Aplikacje mobilne w transporcie
The last few years have brought about a swift development of mobile technology – it could be spotted in almost all parts of our lives. Smartphones are with us everywhere we go, and because of that we have access to social media and news services at any time. We can take photos and send it […]
Transport ponadgabarytowy
What are the most usually-occurring problems in out-of-gauge transport Transport of oversized cargo, that is the transport of the heaviest and biggest cargo, is truly an extreme sport. Orders for that kind of cargo are a rarity and extremely costly. How big is the cargo in out-of-gauge transport? In fact, there are […]
5 rzeczy, na które warto zwrócić uwagę podczas wyboru przewoźnika.
The number of transport companies on the market is very high, and that means that choosing the right one may not be an easy job. You can run across many differeny companies, and you might know that very well. That is why it is so important to know what to pay attention to, what to […]
Bezpieczeństwo w transporcie na podstawie Strategii Rozwoju Transportu do 2020 roku
Security is one of the most important aspects of transport, and has a lot to do with health of people working in the transport industry. Safe transportation means lower spending for everyone, and Ministry of Infrastructure and Development seems to take it into deeper consideration. That is why they planned changes within the Strategy of […]
Projekt nowelizacji dot. resortu gospodarki morskiej – nadzieją na przyspieszenie jej rozwoju?
On Monday, the Polish Lower House (Sejm) ordered the Administration and Internal Affairs to start working on amendments to Ministry of Maritime Economy. The deputy representative applicant, Marcin Horała, underlined that the main purpose of the new project is to enhance the powers and competences of Ministry of Maritime and Inland Waterway Economy. […]
Chiny podpisały konwencje TIR
Chiny jako 70 kraj ratyfikowały Konwencję TIR, przystępując tym samym do największego na świecie standardu dla międzynarodowego tranzytu celnego towarów. Podpisanie konwencji pozwala uprościć procedury na przejściach granicznych i w urzędach celnych. Prawo to wejdzie w Chinach w życie 5 stycznia 2017 roku. Dzięki wprowadzeniu tej konwencji transport lądowy między Azją i Europą zostanie zintegrowany. Ma […]