Modernizacja tras kolejowych do portów morskich – polska gospodarka gna ku morzu !

Seaborne   The year 2020 will mark the end of investments meant to improve cargo rail carriages to Gdynia, Gdańsk, Stettin and Świnoujście, and the total sum of money invested oscillates around 4bln Polish Zloty. The PKP PLK Company is in final stages of construction of the railway line between Pruszcz Gdański and the seaport […]

Śmiała ofensywa Portu Gdynia furtką dla rozwoju transportu morskiego ?

Gdynia Port has aspirations to become the second-biggest deep-water container seaport in Poland until 2027. The deadline has been set in the Gdynia Port Strategic Development plan. The management of the seaport underlines the newly-created objective as necessary to remain in the lead of the Baltic Sea container seaports.   In 2003, the Gdynia seaport […]