Transport w sektorze przetwórstwa owoców i warzyw

Logistics in fruit and vegetable processing sector is a demanding task; the resources are prone to being damaged, and react badly to temperature shifts. What is more, it is very much a seasonal market – it is not constant throughout the year, and differs with seasons. Majority of logistical processes happen during the warm months, […]

Co wpłynie na wzrost kosztów logistyki w 2017 roku?

Costs of logistical services are constantly on the rise and it is not a new trend. However, there is something that is new – EU regulations that destabilize the transportation market in Eastern and Central Europe.   In 2015, Germany has introduced a law that requires transport companies to pay minimal way to its drivers […]

W Polsce wciąż brakuje kierowców kategorii C.

Employment of workers from the East seems to have become a standard in Poland. It is generally said that the workers from the East are cheaper to employ, but that is not always the decisive factor. Polish transport includes almost 100 thousand companies that offer road transport services, and in those companies more than 250 […]

Rynek transportowy w Polsce

The transport market in Poland – that in Poland is mostly based on road transport -has to deal with many problems. Such obstacles include the rising price of fuel, rotation of workforce, extra payments for using the roads and inconveniences such as the limitation of CO2 emissions. On the other hand, the economic growth favors […]

Tunel Berlin – Sztokholm

In Sweden and in Germany, a new idea popped up – to build the longest rail tunnel in the world that would link both countries. The point of its construction is to link Berlin and Stockholm specifically, and the section below the Baltic would be a whopping 100km long. The project for the investment is […]

Transport towarów niebezpiecznych

All kinds of chemical products have to be delivered to their destination safely. The basis of dangerous goods transport is to follow the regulations of transport of dangerous goods set by the UN Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. The outcome of their work has been a document, Recommendations on the Transport […]

Port lotniczy na Mazurach – inwestycja, która przyniesie wiele korzyści

Local council of Varmia and Mazuria Voivodeship is going to spend more than 29mln Polish Zloty in 2017 for a regional airportin Szymany. The planning includes expanding of the aircraft parking aprons (for around 7lmn PLN) and the parking in front of the terminal by 100 parking spaces. It is also planned to erect a […]

Jakie znaczenie dla transportu może mieć szczyt klimatyczny w 2018?

United Nations’ Climate Change Summit is planned for 2018, and will most probably deal with making the global politics adhere to environmental decrees of the EU. That is also going to be the main challenge for the Environment Ministry this year. Last November, it has been established that the Summit is going to take place […]

Jakie wymogi powinien spełniać nowoczesny magazyn?

If you are planning to store a product, you also have to look for a warehouse. Today we will help you a modern, appropriate warehouse for your needs. What are its features?   It is crucial for the warehouse to have access to roads and road infrastructure. Warehouses of the highest class should be located […]

Kontrole graniczne w Szwecji przedłużone do lutego

In response to the immigration crisis, a year ago Sweden restored bordered controls. The aim of it is to increase the safety of the public, and apart from that other measures have been taken, such as changes in the general immigration policy and tighter requirements for asylum seekers. According to the latest estimates, the measures […]