Kolej powiększa przepustowość linii kolejowych do portów morskich

Railroad seems to be a recurring subject, and that is because the Polish National Railways are planning to refurbish a 40-kilometer-long railroad from Toszek Północ through Rudziniec Gliwicki to Stare Koźle, a piece of track that plays an important role for cargo rail transport. What is the goal of the investments? To improve the infrastructure […]

Wiceminister rozwoju: kolej powinna wozić więcej towarów

„Poland wants to reverse the negative phenomenon that concerns transport of cargo by railway,” said on Tuesday in Warsaw the Deputy Minister of Development, Witold Słowik. “30 years ago, In Poland more than 80% of the cargo was transported by rail, and now the trend has changed; 85% of cargo is now carried out by […]

Ciężki transport już nie tak zabójczy. Czas porzucić stereotypy.

Statistics leave no space for discussion. The stereotype of professional cargo carriers being one of the most dangerous groups within road transport seems to be less and less true. Such widespread opinions are exaggerated, and already for quite some time; numbers prove exactly that.   In 2015, trucks in Poland were a part of 3377 […]

IAA Commercial Vehicles 2016 – co nowego wjedzie na drogi ?

Between 22nd and 29th September in Hannover the IAA Commercial Vehicles fair has taken place. The fair itself is organized every two years, and the main scope of it is everything that happens within the logistics and road transport industry.   Matthias Wissmann, the CEO of VDA (the German Association of the Automotive Industry) was […]

Modernizacja tras kolejowych do portów morskich – polska gospodarka gna ku morzu !

Seaborne   The year 2020 will mark the end of investments meant to improve cargo rail carriages to Gdynia, Gdańsk, Stettin and Świnoujście, and the total sum of money invested oscillates around 4bln Polish Zloty. The PKP PLK Company is in final stages of construction of the railway line between Pruszcz Gdański and the seaport […]

Śmiała ofensywa Portu Gdynia furtką dla rozwoju transportu morskiego ?

Gdynia Port has aspirations to become the second-biggest deep-water container seaport in Poland until 2027. The deadline has been set in the Gdynia Port Strategic Development plan. The management of the seaport underlines the newly-created objective as necessary to remain in the lead of the Baltic Sea container seaports.   In 2003, the Gdynia seaport […]

Dobry wynik przewozu drobnicy na kolei!

227.000 units – this is the number of transports achieved by rail carriers in the second quarter of 2016. Calculated into TEU units (1TEU unit = standard 20-feet container), the result boasts 343.000TEU. The Office of Rail Transport compared the result to the same period of time in 2015, and has noted that rail carriers […]

Wielki sukces WBF

Wide Bridge Forwarding zajęło 15 miejsce w rankingu Instytutu Nowoczesnego Biznesu i  tym samym otrzymało tytuł Geparda Biznesu 2014. W plebiscycie brało udział 925 przedsiębiorstw z branży transportowej. Jest to ogromny sukces całego Naszego Zespołu. Takie osiągnięcie jednak nie byłoby możliwe bez wsparcia naszych partnerów biznesowych. Dlatego też dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy przyczynili się do uzyskania […]